Determining Thermal Conductivity Using The Angstrom Method
Last edited: 2024-10-29 14:31:52

The Angstrom Method is a method to determine the thermal conductivity or the thermal diffusivity of different materials. The method builds upon sending temperature pulses from a reservoir and measuring the temperature at different points in the material.
The Heat Equation
The situation is determined by the heat equation,
where T(r,t) is the temperature as a function of position r and time t, α is the thermal diffusivity of the material (p. 89) and −ϵT represents the heat losses to the ambient air. In the case of the material being an oblong rod, the situation can be approximated as one-dimensional, which gives the following formulation of the heat equation
Furthermore, α=cρκ, where κ is the thermal conductivity, c is the speific heat capacity and ρ is the density, as well as ϵ=ScρRO where R is an emission constant, O is the circumference of the rod and S the cross-sectional area of the rod, meaning
According to the Angstrom method, a heater shall now be connected to one of the rod's ends, say at x=0, at which it works as a reservoir securing the boundary condition T(0,t)=T0cosωt for any chosen temperature T0 och ''angular velocity'' ω. Due to diffusion and emission, the temperature T will not only vary sinusoidal with t and x but also exponentally decrease with x. Therefore, a solution with the form
where A, a (probably >0) and b are constants, will be assumed. If this is put into the heat equation for the oblong rod then
is required, which if the exponential factor Ae−ax is canceled, gives two equations in sin and in cos
Using Two Measuring Points to Determine Thermal Conductivity
Furthermore, the Angstrom method is based on measuring the temperature, T1 and T2, at two points, x1 and x2 (with x2>x1 for simplicity), and by comparing the amplitudes, say A1 and A2 respectively, at those points. With the nature of the temperature function, it follows that
and by comparing the phases, say φ1 and φ2 respectivaly, it follows that
and with these equations, a and b can be eliminated, which gives the following expression for the thermal conductivity κ
Determining Thermal Diffusivity
Using the above equation for κ we can insert that into the equation for the thermal diffusivity
So that is how you determine the thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity of a material using the Angstrom Method.
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